
All artworks and creative designs featured on this website, including but not limited to portraits, illustrations, and prints (“Artworks”), are protected by copyright laws. The copyrights in these Artworks are owned by who created them.

Ownership of Artworks: retain all rights to the Artworks, including the rights to reproduce, distribute, display, and create derivative works from the original Artworks. By purchasing an Artwork from our website, you are acquiring a physical copy of the Artwork for personal use only. The purchase of an Artwork does not transfer ownership of copyright or any intellectual property rights in the Artwork to you.

Usage and Restrictions:

  • Personal Use: You may display the purchased Artwork in your personal space such as your home or office. You may not reproduce, distribute, or publicly display the Artwork beyond personal use without obtaining prior written permission from .
  • Commercial Use: Any commercial use of the Artwork, including but not limited to reproduction on merchandise, resale, or use in promotional materials, requires explicit permission from and may involve additional licensing fees.

Protection of Copyright:

It is illegal to copy, distribute, or publicly display any Artwork from this website without permission from the copyright owner. Copyright infringement is subject to civil and criminal penalties under applicable laws.

Reporting Copyright Infringement:

If you believe that your copyrighted work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, or if you have any concerns regarding the use of Artworks on this website, please contact us immediately. We will promptly investigate and take appropriate action to address the situation.


While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy and legality of the information provided on this website, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of all information, and we disclaim any liability arising from your use of or reliance on the information contained herein.

Contact Us:

For inquiries regarding copyrights, permissions, or any other questions related to the Artworks featured on our website, please contact us.

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